It was 30 years ago today that I drove over to the Toshi Station to pick up some power converters ......
(too old to reply)
2007-05-27 11:30:06 UTC
It was 30 years ago today that I drove over to the Toshi Station to
pick up some power converters ......

Now I'm stuck in Dagobah with a goofy old bat - whining I must put up
with - and a moving garbage disposal for a friend.

My hardass old man wants to see me about entering the family business
and worse, I got the serious hots for my half sister!

happy anni - versary everyone! May The Force Be With You!


"What's a jedi to do?"

Sydney - An Australian Star Wars fan has been left regretting his
brush with "the Force" after police arrested him for carrying a toy

The 32-year-old was walking through central Melbourne on Thursday when
the pistol-shaped laser poking out of his backpack sparked a security
scare at the city's Crown Casino.

Diners in the casino alerted authorities about the black-clad man, who
was reportedly on his way to a photo shoot to mark the 30th
anniversary of the science fiction blockbuster.

Police said armed officers forced him to the ground and arrested him.

A police spokesperson said he would be charged with possessing an
unregistered firearm. She said the charge applied even for a fake.

2007-05-27 18:32:43 UTC
Post by 菩薩
It was 30 years ago today that I drove over to the Toshi Station to
pick up some power converters ......
Now I'm stuck in Dagobah with a goofy old bat -  whining I must put up
with - and a moving garbage disposal for a friend.
My hardass old man wants to see me about entering the family business
and worse, I got the serious hots for my half sister!
happy anni - versary everyone! May The Force Be With You!
"What's a jedi to do?"
Sydney - An Australian Star Wars fan has been left regretting his
brush with "the Force" after police arrested him for carrying a toy


By the early 1980s, the New Wave had faded out as an important
presence in the science fiction landscape. As new personal computing
technologies became an integral part of society, science fiction
writers felt the urge to make statements about its influence on the
cultural and political landscape. ...

New space opera

The trend toward gritty, near-future stories represented the
cyberpunks was countered by a revival and renewal of the tradition of
space opera: stories set in the medium to far future and featuring
interstellar civilizations, exotic technologies, and large-scale
conflicts and natural events. Though such stories had never entirely
disappeared from the field--Poul Anderson and Gordon R. Dickson, for
example, had been writing space adventures consistently since the
1950s and Larry Niven since the 1960s. Star Wars helped spark a new
interest in space opera.[16] But in the 1980s the old tradition was
given a boost by such series as David Brin's Uplift Saga, C.J.
Cherryh's Alliance-Union Universe,[17][18] and the Ender novels of
Orson Scott Card.

Throughout the decade, established writers continued to explore this
territory: Greg Benford and Poul Anderson expanded on earlier work,
Arthur C. Clarke added to his Rama series, and Isaac Asimov produced
more Foundation novels. Emerging writers also offered large-scale
interstellar adventures, for example, Greg Bear's Eon (1985), Iain M.
Banks's Consider Phlebas (1987), Paul McAuley's 400 Billion Stars
(1988), Bruce Sterling's Schismatrix (1985), and Michael Swanwick's
Vacuum Flowers (1987).

Post by 菩薩
The 32-year-old was walking through central Melbourne on Thursday when
the pistol-shaped laser poking out of his backpack sparked a security
scare at the city's Crown Casino.
Diners in the casino alerted authorities about the black-clad man, who
was reportedly on his way to a photo shoot to mark the 30th
anniversary of the science fiction blockbuster.
Police said armed officers forced him to the ground and arrested him.
A police spokesperson said he would be charged with possessing an
unregistered firearm. She said the charge applied even for a fake.