I'm not REALLY the President of the United States - I just play one on T.V.
(too old to reply)
2007-05-30 22:52:58 UTC
I'm not REALLY the President of the United States - I just play one on

"The glowering, hulking Mr. Thompson has played a White House chief of
staff, a director of the Central Intelligence Agency, a highly placed
F.B.I. agent, a rear admiral, even a senator. When Hollywood directors
need someone who can personify governmental power, they often turn to
- a 1994 New York Times profile describing Fred Thompson's character

Ronald Reagan became president even though he once worked with a chimp
in the B-movie "Bedtime For Bonzo." Arnold Schwarzenegger played a
murderous robot in the "Terminator" franchise and that didn't stop him
from becoming governor of California. So now the question on
everybody's mind is:
Can "Law & Order" actor and former Sen. Fred Thompson survive a
Republican bid for the presidency having once played the role of an
air traffic controller in 1990's Die Hard 2: Die Harder?
Bad acting aside (and the acting here is terrible) will the image of a
sweaty Bruce Willis crying "Yippee Ki Yay, Mutherfuckers!" before
blowing up a corrupt Army Special Forces Unit hurt Thompson
presidential appeal among sophisticated Republican filmgoers??

Or will Fred Thompson turn off his Black Republican voter base (at
last count there were 200, not counting Clarence Thomas) by once
playing the role of "Knox Pooley" a charismatic white supremacist
spewing anti-Semitic comments and fondling an autographed copy of
"Mein Kampf" in three episodes of CBS' hit show "Wiseguy" in 1988?

Obviously, Fred Thompson will have a very difficult time convincing
sophisticated Black Republican filmgoers that his career in Hollywood
has prepared him to "act" as president. Especially after his weak
performance in "Die Harder".

For the rest of us, it's time to kick back, light up a joint, and
watch reruns of Law & Order: Special Presidential Candidate Unit on

"Yippee Ki Yay, Mutherfuckers!"

2007-05-31 23:17:40 UTC
Post by 菩薩
I'm not REALLY the President of the United States - I just play one on
You're a nitwit. I worked with retarded people who have more political
insight than you


